Thursday, May 18, 2017

President Trump, Get It Together. Now.

People voted for Donald Trump for a multitude of reasons. Some wanted him to build that “big, beautiful wall”. Others were hoping for a couple solid Supreme Court nominations, or to finally have a chance at repealing Obamacare. Still others thought that by withdrawing from free-trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership or NAFTA, Trump would bring back American jobs.

But I guarantee that no intelligent person voted for Trump so that we could see a White House in chaos, a legislative agenda in limbo, and endless investigations and speculation of Russian collusion.

The last time Republicans had unified control of the federal government was for four years during George W. Bush’s presidency, from 2003 until early 2007. Before that, it was two years during the Eisenhower administration. This is only the third time the GOP has enjoyed full control of the government since the Great Depression.

And thanks to Trump, we’re wasting precious time, time which could be spent advancing a conservative agenda that has no hope of becoming law during periods of divided government, talking about Russian collusion, administration shakeups, and the firing of the FBI director. These opportunities of unified party control of government don’t come along often, particularly for Republicans, and when they do they are usually short, lasting no more than one or two election cycles. They are an opportunity not to be squandered.

Yes, the Democrats are being dramatic and grandstanding for “The Resistance”, and the media has it out for Trump and any Republican. But much of the current mess is of the President’s own making, and did not have to be as big of a deal as it now is.

Mr. President, get it together. Please. Stop undercutting your own employees, listen to your advisers, and rise above the insults. Make your presidency memorable for more than just scandal and controversy.

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