Democrats, Too, Will Be Made to Unite
In the aftermath of the United States v. Windsor Supreme Court
decision, as well as the more general normalization of same-sex relationships,
Erick Erickson coined the phrase “you will be made to care,” to describe the
push by many radical Leftists to criminalize all dissent from those who believe
in the traditional definition of marriage. …More
I Was Wrong. And Ted Cruz Is Officially The Most Courageous Politician Ever.
A couple weeks ago I wrote that I
expected Ted Cruz to eventually give Trump some kind of tepid, “he’s better
than her” endorsement, similar to what Scott Walker and Marco Rubio have
already done. The pressure would become so great, I predicted, and the stakes
for Cruz’s political future so high, that either at the convention itself or
soon after he would be forced to support the party nominee. …More
What is Conservatism? (Part 2)
The differing national heritages of the
United States and many European nations gives rise to another important
distinction, apart from the relative importance of land versus ideas
dynamic I discussed yesterday: American conservatives worthy of the name actively
seek to roll back the federal government and its power, believing that the best
and most effective governments are those at the state and local levels, those
closest to the people. …More
What is Conservatism? (Part 1)
On Monday I wrote that “if Trump wins,
the conservative movement is finished.” Others, both during and after the
primary season, have made similar points that Donald Trump is not a political
conservative, that many of his policies as President would effectively be
identical to those of Hillary Clinton, and therefore that a vote for Trump is
essentially a vote for Clinton, and vice versa. …More
The Genius of Capitalism and the Separation of Powers
Especially since the 2008 financial
crisis, capitalism has come under attack, most recently culminating in Bernie
Sanders’ attempt to mainstream socialism as an alternative during the
Democratic presidential primary—and getting 12.4 million votes in the process.
With this in mind, it’s worth remembering just why capitalism is the most
successful economic system in history, and why it so effectively complements
America’s unique system of a federal separation of powers—another system under
attack by both the current President and the two major-party nominees to
succeed him. …More
Trump: The Will of the People? (Part 2)
The nationwide number of votes for and
against a nominee, though a useful overall metric, doesn’t tell the whole
story, or accurately answer the question of whether Donald Trump’s nomination
is truly “the will of the people”. The final variable to look at, which
will offer a much more specific view of the entire primary season, is a
breakdown of the statewide results of each individual primary and caucus, from
the Iowa caucuses on February 1 through the final batch of primary states on
June 7. …More
Trump: The Will of the People? (Part 1)
Ever since Donald Trump first took the
lead in the GOP primary polls last summer, and especially since winning his
first primary in New Hampshire in February, his supporters have been shouting
that he has an absolute mandate from the voters, and that all Republicans who
refuse to bow to Trump are defying the “will of the people”. …More
Because of Barack Obama, Donald Trump Must Never Be President
Donald Trump has, so far in this
campaign, threatened to “loosen up” libel laws and thereby infringe on the 1st
Amendment rights of those who disagree with him; displayed an understanding of
the 5th Amendment’s Takings Clause radically at odds with the intent
of the Framers; and named education and health care as just two of the policy
realms in which it was the proper role of the federal government to make
aggressive policy changes. He has shown no indication that he is even aware of
constitutional limits on presidential authority. …More
Balancing the Two Evils
For many voters in presidential
elections, attempting to choose between the two major party nominees has long
been compared to choosing between the lesser of two evils. Always before, conservatives
have faced a choice in which both options were flawed, but one infinitely
better, on both policy and character. Now, however, it’s not clear which of the
two evils selected for 2016 is truly the lesser. …More
Trump Supporters, You Have Become The Very Thing You Swore to Destroy
I love Star Wars. I think its structure as a modern myth, an epic written
for today’s world just as the Iliad
and Odyssey were for the world of the
ancient Greeks, gives it a staying power unique among modern blockbusters, and
is at least part of the reason why hype is now so high for the eighth
installment, forty years after the release of the original movie. …More