Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Secretary of State: Trump Skips Two Experienced Diplomats, Picks Russia-Loving CEO

Trump has made some excellent choices for his Cabinet so far. Nikki Haley for U.N. Ambassador? Awesome. Betsy DeVos for Education Secretary? Superb. James Mattis for Defense Secretary? Stellar. And just this week, word came that he will choose former Texas governor Rick Perry as Energy Secretary, another great choice to flesh out an already qualified and conservative circle of advisers.

And then, just as we’re all becoming slightly giddy at just how well the new Cabinet is shaping up, Trump goes and picks ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to lead the State Department.

In short, Tillerson is a bad choice and should be denied Senate confirmation. Bad for conservatives, who were hoping for a full-spectrum constitutional conservative and instead get a man who supports a carbon tax and whose company has given money to Planned Parenthood. And bad for America, who needs someone who will boldly stand for American interests and human rights around the world, and will instead be offered someone who was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship and opposes Western sanctions over the invasion of Crimea.

And by getting the nomination, Tillerson beat out both Mitt Romney and John Bolton, two men who would have been trusted to deal forcefully with both Russia and other American adversaries around the world.

Several Republican senators have already hinted that they will oppose Tillerson during Senate confirmation proceedings. The Left, too, will almost certainly oppose him based on his resume as a “Big Oil CEO”, but this is one of the rare instances where the goals of Right and Left are the same, despite their differing reasons.

Rex Tillerson should get a fair hearing in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, once the nomination is made official, as should all presidential nominees. But in the end, he should never be allowed inside the State Department in any official capacity.

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