Tuesday, October 11, 2016

#FreeTheDelegates Is Looking Pretty Good Right Now

Remember, at the Republican National Convention in July, how there was a movement to allow convention delegates to vote their conscience and nominate someone other than Donald Trump for President? Remember how proponents of the rule change warned that Trump was unelectable, that his nomination would hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton, that more scandals were undoubtedly awaiting the light of day, and that he could sink Republican majorities in Congress, along with public perception of the GOP for years to come? How important it was to unite the party by having an open process and giving the duly elected delegates a say in determining the nominee?

And remember how the RNC, controlled by the Trump campaign, shut down that movement, denied even a simple request for a roll call vote on the rules, and attempted to forcibly silence all those pushing to free the delegates?

Fast forward to today, when the ranks of those calling on Trump to exit the race continue to swell, and now include everyone from the staunchest conservatives to members of leadership, from Mike Lee and Carly Fiorina to John Thune and Lisa Murkowski, and beyond. Dozens of Republican members of Congress have announced they will not vote for Trump and called on him to exit the race, in just the forty-eight hours following the release of the latest Trump tape.

If only someone had warned the RNC months ago that this would happen. If only there had been some way for the party to drop Trump back in July, then there would be a new nominee firmly in place by now, instead of dealing with this chaos a month before Election Day.

The RNC could have taken the pain and intraparty chaos in July, or in October. By default, they chose the latter, and now they are suffering the consequences.

Put simply: You were warned.

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