Monday, July 25, 2016

Democrats, Too, Will Be Made to Unite

In the aftermath of the United States v. Windsor Supreme Court decision, as well as the more general normalization of same-sex relationships, Erick Erickson coined the phrase “you will be made to care,” to describe the push by many radical Leftists to criminalize all dissent from those who believe in the traditional definition of marriage.

Bakers and florists will be sued for refusing to serve at gay weddings. Vocal support for traditional marriage will be labeled “hate speech”. Even those who try to stay out of the controversies will be forced to choose a side, and if that side opposes progress, its supporters will be punished.

Members of the Republican Party will now be made to unite. Dissent will not be tolerated. It will no longer be enough to simply remain silent on the presidential nominee, or to criticize both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, or to encourage people to vote their conscience and make their own decisions. Unite, or be punished.

For Democrats, too, the time has come for them to unite or be punished.

Just as Cruz supporters were silenced by the RNC and the Trump campaign, so too will Sanders supporters be silenced by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, should they attempt to express concerns over the party rules (especially on superdelegates), or in any way disrupt the coronation ceremony. Sanders delegates were already given the removal of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC chair, but that will not put the latest email scandal to rest, nor should it.

Democratic Party leadership will now see Schultz’s ouster, together with the platform changes, as such a large concession that they will no longer tolerate any concerns of Sanders delegates over superdelegates, the nomination of Tim Kaine for Vice President, or anything else. Sanders supporters have already extracted far more from the Clinton campaign than Cruz supporters did from the Trump campaign, but now the door has slammed shut for both. No longer will either primary victor tolerate dissent or even open discussion.

Sanders delegates—you will be told that a vote for anyone other than Hillary Clinton is a vote for Donald Trump. Your attempts to air your concerns and hold a simple roll call vote will be ignored. And if you dare to go against the collective and stand for your principles, or ask that your nominee work to win you over, rather than merely taking your vote for granted, you will be labeled a traitor.

Welcome to the party.

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