Thursday, March 9, 2017

Is This Really Going To Be The Next Four Years?

Donald Trump has only been in office for six weeks, but it already seems much longer. The frequency of the leaks, pseudo-scandals, angry Tweets, and assorted controversies have left many watchers feeling exhausted.

The question is how much longer this pace can keep up, with regard to both Trump and his critics. Will liberals continue to manufacture outrage at this same level, over every little thing Trump does or says, for the next four years? Will Trump be able to keep saying outrageous things?

The answer to the second question is a self-evident “of course!” Whether he will, or will instead become “so presidential [we’ll] be bored,” is a different question. But I can’t imagine that the next four years will be the same as the last month. The pace of the controversies and outrage, from both sides, just seems too frenetic, outpacing even the infamous Bush Derangement Syndrome on the left.

Something has to give. Either Trump will grow in office, liberals will tire of complaining about every single perceived slight, or some combination of the two. More likely the last option.

But either way, the past few weeks should not be a harbinger of the next several years. It certainly can’t get any more bitter, divisive, and just plain exhausting.

Can it?

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