Thursday, August 11, 2016

Some Overdue Praise for John Kasich

Ted Cruz has received effusive praise from many corners since his defiant, rousing speech at the Republican National Convention (along with more than his share of anger and hatred from the Trumpkins), but less attention has been given to John Kasich. He may not have given a primetime address in the middle of Trump’s coronation and pointedly refused to endorse, but Kasich has been no less critical of the Dear Leader.

He angered many during the primary campaign, and with good reason. Beyond his moderate policies, his christening of himself as the “Prince of Light and Hope”, and his holier-than-thou admonition of critics of Medicaid expansion, his presence served to split the anti-Trump vote for most of the primary season, costing both Rubio and Cruz several crucial victories and won only Ohio in the process.

This in turn led many to believe he was secretly in league with Trump, sabotaging the efforts of the #NeverTrump forces in return for the vice presidency. But since he dropped out in May we’ve all been proven wrong. He reportedly declined the VP nomination after it was specifically offered to him, criticized and pointedly refused to endorse Trump in several media appearances over the past couple months, boycotted the Cleveland coronation in his own backyard, and has now angered Trump enough for the God King to pledge up to $10 million to defeat him in a future election (Trump has also pledged up to $20 million to defeat Cruz’s 2018 reelection campaign).

You still aren’t the best presidential candidate in history, John Kasich, but we had you wrong. Thank you for having the courage to stand up for your beliefs.

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